Telegram Survey Bot
The target of this project was to create a web app that makes a survey and post it as a telegram bot, the survey must have ramifications, this means that certain answer can produce a question according that answer.
The first thing that I did was sketchs of the looks and components of the survey. One thing that cause me a lot of conflict was how I will render and process the ramifications, one initial idea was to produce a notion style page and each tab was a new branch or answer.
I then continue with the design of the data base, I went for a relational db in sqlite, in Wich I put the question, the type, answers and the id of the father.
Then I went to coding so I break the project in these pieces:
- Visuals
- Process survey
- Save survey
- Make bot
The visuals and interaction were made in react, I did a question and a survey component with the questions in a state var, everything was fine until I was thinking in the deepness of the questions, because I also defined the answer in the state of each question, so this was just very wrong. All I had to do was raise the sate of the answers, so I define a tree wich had the questions and answers, and then reder the tree as a survey.
After finishing the rendering of the survey, I had only one problem, the survey was backwards, and the answer to this problem was reverse the tree, something I never imagine doing in a real project.
In that moment I had the survey in a tree but I had to break it to store in the db, so then I could recompose the tree to do the telegram bot.
The telegram bot:
This little and fun project had his challenges, but it was very rewarding seeing every part working together.
If you want to check the survey maker go to, write the survey, publish and search fo hal21bot in telegram.